Matthew is a music student at York University, focusing primarily on composition and, more specifically, film score composition. Originally from Fergus, Ontario, where he grew up playing clarinet, bass clarinet and piano, Matthew’s bold and imaginative musical style, along with exquisite attention to detail, have earned him a sterling reputation throughout his post-secondary career. He regularly composes original scores for student produced films, spanning multiple genres and filmmakers. He was also a member of the York University Chinese Orchestra where he played dizi. Through Patty Chan, the course instructor, he became involved with the Toronto Chinese Orchestra and is pleased to present his first orchestration for this revered group.
Matthew 是來自約克大學音樂專業的學生,主修作曲,專注於電影原聲的創作。他來自安大略省的 Fergus 市,自幼開始學習單簧管,低音單簧管和鋼琴。 雖為學生,但他大膽和充滿想像力的作品,已為他在目前大學的音樂旅程中贏得了頗佳的聲譽。他定期參與學生電影作品的作曲編曲,涉足各種音樂領域,嘗試各種音樂風格,並與多位電影制作人有過合作。同時他也是約克大學中樂隊的成員,在樂隊中學習演奏中國竹笛。通過自己的課程導師陳慧敏女士,他得知並結識了多倫多中樂團。這次的演出中,他將首次展現他為多倫多中樂團編創的音樂作品。
Matthew has arranged a piece called Guardians of the World:
Two fantastical journeys, and one goal, to bring balance back to the world. Originally for western orchestra, this piece takes different selections from the Japanese animated film ‘Princess Mononoke,’ and the American animated television series ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender.’ The young heroes in these stories encounter many hopes, hardships, triumphs, and losses which are reflected in the selections chosen to create this medley. They, each in their own right, are ‘Guardians of the World.’