I first met Dr. Chen in 2008 at the Hong Kong International Festival of Chinese Orchestras. Since then, I have had wonderful opportunities to visit with him, his orchestra, as well as learn from his experiences in building an orchestra. Though the music environment here in Canada is so very different from that of Taiwan, we do face some similar challenges. Dr. Chen’s passion to share Chinese music is always inspiring and helps us push forward with new music and ideas. I am very grateful for his advice and support through these years. He has become a great friend and mentor and we are very fortunate to be able to work with him once again!
~Patty Chan
President, TCO
Dr. Chih-Sheng Chen 陳志昇
One of the most prominent young conductors in Taiwan, Chih-Sheng Chen founded the Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra (gCO) in 2000. As the Artistic Director and Conductor, the orchestra strikes to present Chinese music of the highest quality to a wide range of audiences. The orchestra currently performs a full season at the National Concert Hall, presents educational programs throughout Taiwan, and tours internationally. From 2004 to 2008, Chen acted as the Associate Conductor for the Taipei Chinese Youth Orchestra and Teachers Orchestra. In 2006, he produced and conducted the featured concert of the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra in Taipei. To foster interest in Chinese music among young audiences and to train young musicians, Chen has also designed educational programs and acted as the music director and instructor at numerous schools in Taiwan.
Chen holds a master’s degree in conducting from Taiwan’s Fu Jen Catholic University, under the guidance of Professor Lian-Chang Kuo. He started his musical training as an erhu (Chinese violin) player at the age of ten. He studied conducting with Ying Lee and theory with Chao-Ying Huang and Shi-Pei Ding. Chen also holds a Ph.D from the Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry of the National Taiwan University. His background in science constantly surprises people. As he says, “Chinese music is my true calling in life”.
小巨人絲竹樂團之外,陳君亦活躍於國內外重要舞台,範圍涵蓋國樂、西樂、樂團行政及音樂教育等領域。曾與荷蘭新室內樂團 (Nieuw Ensemble)、加拿大溫哥華跨文化管弦樂團 (Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra)、長榮交響樂團、廣藝愛樂管弦樂團、加拿大多倫多中樂團、加拿大愛民頓中樂團、加拿大蘭韻中樂團、加拿大點心室內樂團、新加坡鼎藝團、浙江民族樂團、江蘇省演藝集團民族樂團、河南民族樂團、北京中央音樂學院聖風組合、重慶民族樂團、成都民族樂團、福建民族樂團等合作演出;更多次受邀於國內外各大藝術院校,進行樂團營運、樂隊訓練等專題演講。