Elaine Choi contributes to Toronto’s vibrant choral community as a conductor, educator, and accompanist. She is currently the Director of Music at the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. As a music educator, Elaine works as a faculty member at the National Music Camp and as a guest coach at The York School and Rosedale Heights School of the Arts. She also directs a 50-member children’s choir program at the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. Additionally, Elaine is the Co-Founder and Co-Conductor of Windago, an ensemble of wind instruments and SATB chorus, which has premiered works by Alice Ho, Stephanie Martin, Kevin Lau, Elisha Denburg, and many more.
Elaine’s early music studies began on the piano and violin. She is also proficient on the erhu, a traditional Chinese string instrument. Elaine is currently the Associate Conductor of the Toronto Chinese Orchestra. Elaine earned her BMus in Music Education (2008) and a MMus in Music Performance, specializing in Choral Conducting (2010) at the University of Toronto. She has also earned an ATCL (1999), an AmusTCL Diploma (2001) in Piano Performance from the Trinity College of Music, London, and an Advanced Certificate (2000) from ABRSM, England. She is a three-time recipient of the Elmer Iseler Fellowship in Choral Conducting (2008, 2009, 2014) and a finalist in the Sir Ernest MacMillan Foundation Fellowship Award in Choral Conducting (2012). In 2014, Elaine began her doctoral study in choral conducting at the University of Toronto under the tutelage of Dr. Hilary Apfelstadt. At the present, she directs the University of Toronto Women’s Chorus and serves as President Elect on the board of Choirs Ontario.
蔡亦翎是一位活躍於多倫多社區的指揮家,音樂教育家和音樂伴奏家。現任Timothy Eaton Memorial Church 音樂總監。作為音樂教育家,蔡亦翎任教於多間中學及國際音樂營出任客席藝術指導,並擔任指揮。除此之外,蔡亦翎積極推廣多倫多各類音樂事業的發展,由2014年起,被委任為多倫多中樂團副指揮一職,就此給多倫多中樂團增添了新的動力,從而團結更好的團隊精神,發揮樂團潛力。
蔡亦翎出身於音樂世家,母親是專業音樂教師。幼承庭訓,蔡亦翎自幼學習鋼琴,小提琴,少年時學習單簧管,巴松管及各類傳統民族樂器如二胡等。中學時蔡亦翎就讀於香港聖保祿學校,畢業前已獲多項樂器演奏及樂理高級文憑。移民加拿大後考入多倫多大學,並以優異的成績獲得了音樂學士(2008)與音樂碩士(2010)學位。此外,曾四度獲得Elmer Iseler Fellowship in Choral Conducting (2008, 2009, 2014,2015) 獎學金。 2012年入選Sir Ernest Macmillan Foundation Fellowship Award in Choral Conducting並順利進入決賽,成為全國僅有的三名決賽者之一。
2014年秋天,蔡亦翎在Dr. Hilary Apfelstadt的指導下於多倫多大學開始攻讀合唱指揮的博士學位,並擔任 MacMillan 合唱團2014- 2015年度的助理指揮。 由2015年起,她成為該大學女子合唱團的指揮。蔡亦翎現在於安省合唱協盟為候任主席,並將於2017年秋季出任該社主席一職。