2016-07-03 Virtuosos Concert: Wendy Zhou, Pipa 周晚濛, 琵琶


Wendy started learning the pipa at the age of five. She competed in the Youth Pipa Competition in Suzhou, China, and received great praise. After immigrating to Canada in 2001, she began her studies with renowned pipa soloist, Ms. Gui-Lian Liu. Shortly after, Wendy joined the B.C. Chinese Orchestra in 2002 and held the position of Section Leader. During this time, she won multiple awards in the Kiwanis Music Festival. In 2005, she was also awarded the S.K. Lee Scholarship for Ethnic Instruments and won third place in the Kiwanis Gala Concert. Wendy subsequently completed the performance level in the Chinese Conservatory of Music Exam for pipa in 2007 and was highly praised for her performing abilities and sense of music. In 2010, she co-established Spire and began to explore the boundary of Eastern and Western music through rearranging and composing multiple pieces for the group.

周晚濛五歲開始學習琵琶。兩年後,她參加了中國蘇州少年琵琶大賽並獲得一致好評。在2001年隨父母移居加拿大後,她開始是師從著名琵琶演奏家劉桂蓮女士繼續學習。2002年,晚濛參加了卑詩省中樂團並在今後幾年內成為了樂團彈撥樂首席。這段時間,她屢次在Kiwanis音樂節上獲獎。2005年,她在中國民族樂器組獲得S.K. Lee獎學金並且在與西洋樂器同臺競技的Kiwanis Gala音樂會上獲得第三名的好成績。她於2007年完成了中國中央音樂學院演奏級的考核並以她出色的演奏能力和極具天賦的藝術意識受到考官的褒獎。2010年,晚濛來到安省就讀於麥克馬斯特大學,自那時起,她參與合作創立了旋越並且開始通過為旋越重編曲及創作新曲的方式來試探著打破東西方音樂的界限。