2018 Central Conservatory of Music Examinations in Toronto
Learning music teaches joy, discipline, and inspires creativity. Learning Chinese instruments also connects you to the beauty of Chinese culture. As part of the learning process, taking examinations will help students measure their progress and develop confidence in their chosen instrument.
The Central Conservatory of Music of China (CCOM) is a well established institution in Beijing that holds examinations internationally for students learning Chinese instruments, including erhu, pipa, yangqin, guzheng, dizi, ruan, sheng, and suona. The BC Chinese Music Association (BCCMA) has partnered with CCOM to host these annual examinations in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal for the past 13 years.
Along with the Music of May, the Toronto Chinese Orchestra is pleased to announce that we will be coordinators for the Central Conservatory of Music Examinations (CCOM) in Toronto. This year, the examinations will take place on October 24 – 25, 2018. Registration has already begun and the deadline for the applications is July 15, 2018.
Examination materials and books can be purchased from Music of May Ltd at 63 Silver Star Blvd., Unit D3, Scarborough, ON, Phone: 416-754-2228.
Completed application forms (with a cheque made payable to: BC Chinese Music Association) can be sent directly to:
BC Chinese Music Association
#303-8495 Ontario Street
Vancouver, BC
V5X 3E8
or submitted to Music of May Ltd.
中國「中央音樂學院」 (CCOM)為一所培育音樂專才的高等學府,設備完善,為多種中國樂器,包括二胡、琵琶、揚琴、古箏、笛子,中阮、嗩吶等,制定了等級水平考試。在過去的13年,「中央音樂學院」與加拿大「庇詩省中樂協會」(BCCMA)均有合作,於溫哥華、卡加利,多倫多,渥太華及滿地可舉辦了年度考試。
考試資料及書籍可到位於63 Silver Star Blvd , Unit D3 的「五月琴行」購買, 電話 416-754-2228。
填妥申請表格後請連同支票(支票抬頭:BC Chinese Music Association)直接寄至:
BC Chinese Music Association
#303-8495 Ontario Street
Vancouver, BC
V5X 3E8