“Guo Yazhi’s World of Wind Instruments” was held on Oct. 22, 2011 at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.

郭雅志 – 有『中國第一嗩吶』的美譽,波士頓電台稱他為『中國的路易斯-阿姆斯特朗』,擅長演奏多種中西管樂器,曾獲中國文化部選為中國最優秀的音樂家之一。

Guo Yazhi
 graduated from Central Academy of Music in 1990. He joined the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in December 1999 as Suona Principal. In 1993, his invention of a “removable reed”, which enables the playing of semitones on the suona and expands its range for expressiveness, won for him a Class Two Award for Technological Advancement by the Ministry of Culture. In 1998, Guo went to New York to participate in the International Pro Musicis Awards. Since 1991, he has performed in international music festivals in Germany, Holland, Denmark, France, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao and China, and has given solo recitals in New York, Boston and Los Angeles. He has been hailed by Boston Radio as ‘China’s Louis Armstrong.’

Program Highlights:

The World of Winds – Concerto for various wind instruments
The Silk Road Fantasia – Guanzi Concerto
Unchained Melody – Saxophone and Orchestra
999 Roses – Suona and Orchestra
Picking Jujube – Suona and Orchestra


吹@世界 – 管樂協奏曲
絲綢之路幻想曲 – 管子協奏曲
人鬼情未了 – 薩克管與樂隊
九百九十九朵玫瑰 – 嗩吶與樂隊
打棗 – 嗩吶與樂隊