One of three guests for 2013-06-22 concert…
2012 Hong Kong Award for Best Artist Winner (Music)
In Asia, he was widely known as “THE” best suona player. Guo graduated from the top music school in China – Central Conservatory of Music. After graduation, he was invited to stay on as a lecturer. He taught suona at the conservatory for 9 years. In 1999, he became the principal suona of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.
Guo significantly contributed to the suona history with his invention of the “Flexible Core of the Suona”. It solves the problem of playing complicated modulations and temporary inflexions on the suona. This invention allows suona, a folk instrument, to play with large-scale national symphony orchestras that use more sophisticated and modern arrangements, thus greatly broadening the expression of the instrument.
As one of the most outstanding players in the orchestra, Guo has attended many important performances on behalf of the orchestra. Guo is a versatile and charismatic player. Apart from the suona, he can also play pipe, sheng, piccolo, flute, ocarina, cucurbit flute, saxophone and even ‘leaf’. In 1998, he performed at the welcoming banquet for President Clinton’s visit to Beijing. In April 2007, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra held a large-scale personal solo concert titled “Guo Yazhi’s Wind Music World – Legend of Suona” for Guo in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall. It was a sold-out performance in a 1700-seat concert hall! He played several kinds of musical instruments and his performance brought great surprise and enjoyment to the audience. The performance was a great success!
In July 2012, the orchestra held another personal concert titled “Guo Yazhi’s Wind Music World 2 – Raising the Bridal Sedan and Welcoming the Bride” for him. Chinese opera, modern jazz elements and diversified playing forms were introduced into the performance, showing his excellent music talent and deep expression of music.
Guo has performed many times on CCTV’s programs. His personal charm has attracted a large group of music fans in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and has changed people’s attitude towards the suona. Many students chose to learn this musical instrument after viewing his performance and he has enabled this traditional musical instrument to become fashionable and modern.
郭雅志發明了“嗩吶活芯”裝置,令傳統嗩吶在轉換所有調式及臨時變化音的演奏上有了重大突破。 著名笛子大師趙松庭稱贊為: “小發明,大成果”。現在,“活芯”已被許多人應用於合奏及獨奏之中。郭雅志用活芯嗩吶首演了許多現代風格的作品,其中《喚鳳》《痕跡之四》及《大漠長河》等,使嗩吶音樂進入一個新的時代。
1998年,獲美國Pro Musicis國際大獎, 同年6月,在歡迎美國總統克林頓首次訪華音樂會上獨奏。並多次在美國主要的城市舉辦音樂會。
九十年代,郭氏曾是北京錄音棚的頂級高手,為上百部影視片及無數電視晚會配樂。個人專輯有:《嗩吶歌曲》 《戲曲嗩吶》《中國嗩吶》《百鳥朝鳳》《城市暢想》《郭雅志的管樂世界-嗩吶傳奇》,其中《江河水》被製作為全球首張玻璃CD器樂專輯。
郭氏與歐美許多管弦樂團及各地華樂團合作,也是香港中樂團最據光彩的獨奏家之一。2007年4月及2012年7月,中樂團在香港文化中心音樂廳舉辦了《郭雅志的吹管世界-嗩吶傳奇》及《郭雅志的吹管世界2 抬花轎-迎新娘》音樂會,反響熱烈,驗證了嗩吶藝術在香港已開花結果。
“郭雅志的嗩吶,不僅大大改變了嗩吶的傳統形象,更將嗩吶藝術帶入了新的境界” (著名樂評周凡夫)
「巨匠級的演奏風範,無論傳統或現代曲風均表現得絲絲入扣,為整場音樂會的亮點。」 「Bravo! 無懈可擊! 」