The second concert of 2011 will be on October 22 at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts. We have invited the well-known virtuoso, GUO Yazhi, to perform a concert with various Chinese traditional and western wind instruments. Mr. Guo is the Principal suona of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. He had been selected by the Ministry of Culture as China’s Most Outstanding Musicians in 1998. He has also received high acclaim for his numerous performances around the world. The versatile Mr. Guo will be performing on a variety of wind instruments with the Toronto Chinese Orchestra. The program will include the “The World of Winds” – Concerto for various wind instruments, “The Silk Road Fantasia” – Guanzi concerto, “Jasmine Flower” – Saxophone and Erhu music, “Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine Roses” – Suona solo, and “Picking Jujube” – a traditional Suona solo. The Toronto Chinese Orchestra will also perform several orchestral ensemble pieces including “Great Wall Rhapsody, 4th Movement”, “Chang E” & “General’s Command”. This is a concert of wind instruments that has never been seen in Toronto. The audience will truly be transported into the wonderful world of winds by the talented and expressive Mr. Guo!
As a not-for-profit organization, we rely greatly on your continued support as sponsors and donors to continue promoting Chinese culture and music in Canada. We would not have been able to fulfill our goals without your kind and generous support. We have a variety of sponsorship options to choose from to suit your budget. If you would like more information, please contact Frederick Yiu, President, at 416-568-8024.
樂團將於今年十月二十二日假座烈治文山劇院舉行一場《吹管世界 – 郭雅志演奏會》,享譽國際的管樂演奏家郭雅志將會首次在多倫多演出此場專場音樂會。郭雅志乃香港中樂團首席嗩吶,擅長演奏多種中西管樂器,曾獲中國文化部選為中國最優秀的音樂家之一,並獲得國外樂迷的一致好評。郭雅志將與多倫多中樂團合作以不同的吹管樂器演奏多首中西名曲,包括有管樂協奏曲《吹@世界》、管子協奏曲《絲綢之路幻想曲》、薩克管與二胡演奏《茉莉花》、嗩吶演奏《九百九十九朵玫瑰》、傳統嗩吶樂曲《打棗》,中樂團亦會演奏幾首大型民樂合奏曲《長城隨想曲》第四樂章、《嫦娥》、《將軍令》等。此次音樂會乃多倫多難得一見的管樂演奏會,樂迷定必陶醉於美麗的管樂世界,讚嘆郭雅志高超的演奏技巧,度過一個愉快和驚喜的晚上。
在多倫多組織樂團並非易事,找尋合適的排練場地是樂團需要解決的問題,購置樂器及籌募演出經費實不容易解決。過去幸得熱心人士大力協助,部份難題得以解決。要使民族音樂不單能在華人社區持續發展,也要在加國主流社會獲得賞識,使中國民族音樂能在加國開花結果,除了團員的努力和團結外,更有賴各界人士、社區賢達的鼓勵和支持。有鑒於閣下熱心公益,在推廣中國文化方面不遺餘力,我們懇請閣下/貴商號為本團是次音樂會作出贊助。如對這次音樂會有任何諮詢,請與團長姚木興聯絡。電話: 416-568-8024