2011 April 30 concert guest: Spire
Spire is an inspirational group of musicians who set out to create musical fusion between classical and pop music in both Eastern and Western styles. Consisting of seven players, Spire…
Spire is an inspirational group of musicians who set out to create musical fusion between classical and pop music in both Eastern and Western styles. Consisting of seven players, Spire…
TCO member Ike Zhang is organizing a charity concert to benefit the Kidney Foundation of Canada. TCO will be one of the performing groups. When: Friday, Dec. 17, 2010 7:30…
The 5th annual Overseas Music Standard Grade Examination will take place in Toronto on Wed. Nov. 3, 2010 at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto. The examination is based…
TCO will be participating in "Bonne Musique" 美樂交融聚愛城 Chinese Music Festival, organized by Edmonton Chinese Philharmonica. It is the first festival of its kind in Canada. When: May 23 -…
On the road La Grande-Place, Complexe Desjardins Montreal Chinese Community and Cultural Center
To showcase the winning performance of our Piano Concerto Competition, we have chosen the following as the 2010 concert theme:
For the first time in history the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra will travel to Canada. 90 talented musicians will take the stage at Roy Thomson Hall with the sound of…
Ken Yang, aged 20, is the winner of the Piano Concerto Competition. He will be the soloist with the orchestra in the May 15, 2010 concert. Congratulations, Ken! L to…
多倫多中樂團首次舉辦的中樂團與鋼琴協奏曲比賽,己於本月二十七日完滿結束。決賽在Euromusic Recital Hall 舉行,經過一輪激烈競爭,四位評判 - 彭進秀先生、Kathryn Tremills小姐、朱賢杰先生及林德貽女仕,從眾參賽者中選出了冠、亞軍。 贏得此次比賽冠軍的年輕鋼琴家楊曉賡Ken Yang,二十歲,從八歲開始隨畢美之學習鋼琴。二年後,便贏取「加拿大全國音樂大賽」(CMC)第三名。除了於2004年的CMC比賽獲得頭獎外,Ken 屢在本地鋼琴比賽中獲獎,成績蜚然。他也曾在Leon Fleisher, John Perry, Marc Durand, Lee Kum Sing及郎朗等大師班中演出。及後Ken 進入Glenn Gould音樂學院,師從James Anagnoson。期間屢和Cathedral Bluffs 及多倫多交響樂團合作演出,大獲好評。2009年,Ken 獲頒多倫多大學社會與人文科學的優秀研究員,同時活躍於音樂與科學研究兩個領域,實屬難能可貴。 Ken將會於明年五月十五日,在萬錦劇院於多倫多中樂團舉辦的周年音樂會中與多倫多的觀眾見面,並與多倫多中樂團攜手演出是次得獎的作品。「這是一次名符其實的中西文化交流活動。」評判之一多倫多中樂團音樂總監彭進秀說。「作為多倫多最具規模的業餘中樂團,多倫多中樂團一向致力推動中國傳統音樂在加國發展。是次中樂團與鋼琴協奏曲比賽,是一次湛新的經驗。而比賽的結果,更進一步加強我們對推動中加文化互動的努力和決心。希望各界繼續支持樂團今後的演出和活動。」
Michael Wang, aged 15, takes the spot as runner up. Bravo Michael! Michael Wang completed his ARCT performance exam in 2009. In 2007, he received the Chairman's senior piano award…