2018-10-16 WOWTV Interview: Valerie Lo, erhu
TCO's Valerie Lo introducing the erhu on WOW TV! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SCXEOU3lus&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0AUHsoJdGgl4C01sZHa5VNgLQqCz7tb_Lg26-YhfxG1Yh-84O818jyL0M
TCO's Valerie Lo introducing the erhu on WOW TV! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SCXEOU3lus&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0AUHsoJdGgl4C01sZHa5VNgLQqCz7tb_Lg26-YhfxG1Yh-84O818jyL0M
TCO's Director and Performance Coordinator, Felix Yeung, introducing the liuqin and zhongruan on WOWTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVZZ08NUigM&feature=youtu.be
TCO's Lina Cao, introducing the guzheng on WOWTV (Mandarin). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-XlopSzm84&t=604s&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0&app=desktop
TCO's Angela Xu, introducing the yangqin on WOWTV (Mandarin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7D2WqBpHk8&feature=youtu.be
We are excited to add a new instrument into our collection - the keyboard alto sheng. Its role is highly important in the Chinese orchestra, as it provides chordal harmony…
Toronto Chinese Orchestra Concertmistress Patty Chan has authored the book Playing Erhu - Bridging the Gap. It is the first such book in English and will enable more people to…
Toronto Chinese Orchestra gratefully acknowledges the grant awarded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation to purchase a set of 4 tympani and vibraphone.
Toronto is one of the few cities in North America where you can find a store specializing in Chinese musical instruments. Music of May is a musical instrument store founded…