2016 Year of the Monkey community performances
To celebrate Lunar New Year, TCO will perform at the following community events: Toronto Chinese Orchestra Feb 6 12-12:20pm: Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto Feb 6 2 & 4pm:…
To celebrate Lunar New Year, TCO will perform at the following community events: Toronto Chinese Orchestra Feb 6 12-12:20pm: Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto Feb 6 2 & 4pm:…
TCO will perform at the 2016 New Year Concert organized by UTChinese Network When: Sat. Jan. 30, 2016 7 PM Where: University of Toronto Isabel Bader Theater, 93 Charles Street…
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGn684TrnLeCDp52i_VnyKCQPEw42CdM8 A concert of ancient poetry recitation, vocal solo, choir, and traditional Chinese orchestra 發揚中華文化精粹,以朗誦,獨唱,獨奏 及大型中樂隊隆重推出 When: Sunday, June 28, 2015 7:30 PM, Pre-concert talk: 6:45 PM Venue: George Weston Recital…
George Weston Recital Hall at the Toronto Centre for the Arts 5040 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M2N 6R8 June 28, 2015 @ 7:30pm (Pre-concert talk @ 6:45pm) http://www.lovingsister.com/news_detail/index.php?news_id=29960
Choral Works Tsinghua Alumni Performing Arts Group (TAPAG) choir will present two pieces: 1. 无伴奏混声合唱《美丽的草原我的家》 《美丽的草原我的家》为欣赏者展开一幅美丽的草原画面,风吹绿草、洁白的羊群以及牧民居住的毡包都呈现在我们面前,在具有蒙古族风味的曲调中,抒情优美的旋律如飘过草原上空的云朵,绽开在听众眼前,使人陶醉。民族的就是世界的,这首歌独特的民族韵味使它成为一首经典作品,并被联合国教科文组织选入教材,这是值得国人骄傲的。 The Chorale “Beautiful Prairie, My Home” presents the audience with a panoramic landscape of…
https://youtu.be/ULx16D2STsA Thoughts 張九齡 作詞 江南有丹橘, 經冬猶綠林 豈伊地氣暖, 自有歲寒心 可以薦嘉賓, 奈何阻重深 運命惟所遇, 循環不可循 徒言樹桃李, 此木豈無陰。 唐代詩人張九齡被貶官之後寫了“感遇”哲理詩,作曲家郭亨基譜曲並寫了合唱加大樂隊來表達詩人對於人生種種遭遇之感慨。此詩借用橘樹比喻人,用對比和表揚手法來歌頌橘樹的高尚,純潔,清香之品質。並借用山川阻隔之環境來比喻自己得不到朝廷應有之重視;申訴不平,也表達了自己懷才不遇的憤愾。 全曲音調幽美典雅。節奏,調式,風格。合唱與樂隊相繼展現的諸多變化之豐富尤甚。然而結尾卻極為強烈而短促,給人對詩人一生坎坷遭遇欲言又止。餘情未盡憤然的遺憾。 (程路禹 注解)。 Thoughts, by Jiuling Zhang In the south, a tangerine tree grows; its…
https://youtu.be/3S0XQKIRjr8 Introduction to “Song of the Pipa” Ancient poetry moderates this busy world, and elegant music soothes our heart. In June 2012, the poetry of Bai Juyi and music of…
Countdown to the Toronto Chinese Orchestra’s June 28th concert: WEEK 10 - Romance of Luyou and Tangwan Love is universal, from young puppy love, through its romantic rides of joys…
Countdown to the Toronto Chinese Orchestra’s June 28th concert: WEEK 11 Guest Artist: Lynn Weiyu Xiao Weiyu Xiao is a Chinese guzheng musician and soprano. She is also the founder…